Health and Safety Culture Improvement Programme

A shared positive health and safety culture is an essential element to successful health and safety management and key to the strategy for improving and maintaining workplace health and safety.  This is because health and safety performance is to a large extent reliant on the individual and collective attitudes of an organisation’s personnel.  Where there are deficiencies in the attitudes of personnel towards health and safety there is a tendency to ignore safe systems of work which acts as a barrier that inhibits the development and implementation of improvements and therefore reduces health and safety performance and the drive to reduce incident rates. 

Our Health and Safety Culture Improvement Programme has been developed to encourage directors, managers and frontline workers to engage with health and safety and assist them in developing their understanding of why health and safety should be a priority and the operational benefits which are can be delivered from health and safety.

Our Health and Safety Culture Improvement Programme typically includes the following elements: 

  • Consultation with directors / senior management
  • Data collection to ascertain existing culture and compliance with safe systems of work 
  • An appraisal of current health and safety reporting processes
  • Assistance with the setting up of a committee to liaise with stakeholders at all levels and to promote organisational health and safety 
  • Training and workshop sessions for managers and workers
  • Meetings and workshops with those who are identified as requiring further culture alignment
  • Optional ongoing health and safety culture support 

It can be beneficial to implement a Health and Safety Culture Improvement Programme in tandem with a Health and Safety Behavioral Safety programme.  

Please contact us if you are interested in implementing a Health and Safety Culture Improvement Programme.

"........adding value to safety."

in Oxfordshire  -  Gloucestershire  -  Wiltshire  -  Buckinghamshire  -  Bedfordshire  -  Hertfordshire  -  Berkshire  -  Lincolnshire